Here is what Aaron Rodgers Said

I am Aaron Rodgers

“Surround yourself with really good people. I think that's an important thing. Because the people you surround yourself are a reflection of you.”

Making Your Life Better One Step at a Time

Question of the Day

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The Advice Column

Today’s Question: How do I switch Careers?

2 Minute Read

If you are not satisfied with your job, then maybe switching careers is a bet you need to take on yourself. I will try helping you out so that you don’t feel overwhelmed.

  • Self-Evaluation: The first step is to evaluate your skills, interests, and values. Once you know who you are at your core, navigating through your career is easier.

  • Research: You need to understand the opportunities out there for you. Try to explore potential new career fields and talk to people in that field. While you are at it, also look at things like the working hours and average pay.

  • Set goals: Determine what you want from your new career. Do you want it to be exciting, or have good compensation, or have a lot of traveling? Get those things clear before you start looking.

  • Gaps: Find what skills you need to acquire to start your new career. Fix the skill gap before you dive into something new so that it works out for you in the end.

  • Experience is Everything: To get a feel of your new job try to start as an intern, or take on side projects in your field of interest. These things will help you become job-ready.

  • It’s who you know: You need to start connecting with professionals in your desired industry and ask them for opportunities. Knock on enough doors and eventually one will open up.

  • Plan your transition: This is a huge step so it may involve saving money or starting part-time. Start with 0 expectations, knowing in your heart that it will all work out eventually.

    You are brave enough to start chasing your dreams and if nobody has told you this already “I am proud of you”.

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