Here is what Barack Obama Said

I am Barack Obama

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”

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The Advice Column

Today’s Question: How do I find Peace?

Finding peace in today’s era is a mammoth task. Here are some things you can try

  • Firstly you need to cultivate an attitude of gratitude by focusing on the positive aspects of your life, no matter how small they may seem. Life can get very stressful at times and finding that inner peace and your happy place is important.

  • Recently I realized that we live in the past or the future but often forget to live in the present moment. That is where our stress comes from. I started to enjoy each day for what it was instead of hoping for better days and felt a sense of peace for the first time.

  • You can also try cutting down on caffeine. Caffeine can easily cause you to become overstimulated and drive your brain into exhaustion.

  • Turns out your peace is directly connected with nature as well. So go out and enjoy the vast beauty nature has to offer and you will feel the calm winds across your skin. I am going for a trek this year to connect with nature and explore my own mental peace journey.

  • The last tip I would leave you with is to care for yourself. Sleep well, eat well and go out for walks, and get the blood flowing. You will feel much calmer and more peaceful on this path.

Peace is something we find when we stop looking. It is the feeling of knowing that we are here to take in the moment without distractions. Good luck with your journey to mental peace.

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