Here is what Nelson Mandela Said

I am Nelson Mandela

"It always seems impossible until it's done."

Making Your Life Better One Step at a Time


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The Advice Column

Today’s Question: How do I be more Productive?

That is an excellent question. We all feel like we can be more productive and it isn’t that hard to achieve productivity if you do the following. The first step is to define what a productive day looks like to you, everybody’s definition of productivity is different and we need to fit our own definition. The next step is to make a physical or mental checklist of not more than 4-5 most important tasks of the day. Remember, it isn’t about the number of tasks you do but rather the quality of tasks you complete that is important. The next thing to remember is to turn these tasks into habits, this way you will ensure consistency in what you do. The final piece of advice I will leave you with is that it’s ok if you fall short some days, productivity is a journey and not a destination, so if you fall short, all you need to do is restart the next day. Hope this helps you.

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